Emergency Dentistry in Franklin, TN

When unexpected dental issues strike in Franklin, TN, Dr. Megan Girmscheid and the compassionate team at Dental Haven are ready to provide prompt and expert care. Whether it's a sudden toothache or a dental emergency, trust us to restore your smile's health and your confidence. Contact us today for immediate assistance.

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Emergency Dentistry in Franklin, TN

When Do You Need Emergency Dental Treatment?

Emergency dental treatments are only necessary for dental emergencies, which are dental issues that require prompt or immediate dental attention. This treatment eliminates the risk of these complications spiraling out of control and causing serious harm or becoming expensive to treat. Examples of dental emergencies include severe toothache, knocking out your teeth, and dental abscesses among others.

Emergency Dentistry in Franklin, TN

Did you know…

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Dental emergencies can be linked to psychological distress? Pain and fear associated with dental trauma can lead to dental anxiety, making patients reluctant to seek timely treatment.

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Same-Day Appointments

At Dental Haven,we offer same-day appointments for dental emergencies. Our emergency dentists work round the clock, including weekends and public holidays to ensure you get world-class dental care regardless of your emergency. All you have to do is call our hotline or visit our website and book your emergency dental appointment. No lines, no waiting, just immediate dental care from our experienced emergency dentists.

Same-Day Appointments

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What to Expect During Emergency Dental Treatment

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Contacting the Dentist and Initial Assessment

The dental emergency process begins when you contact the emergency dentist in Franklin to report your dental emergency. After explaining your situation over the phone, the dentist will call you in for an initial assessment. The assessment involves asking questions concerning the symptoms and conducting dental examinations, specifically, X-rays, bite registration, TMJ tests, and other tests.

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Pain Management and Treatment Options

If you’re in pain, the dentist will administer pain medication and sometimes a local anesthetic for severe pain. Next, the dentist will explore various emergency dental treatment options and pick the best one for your case. These options include root canals, dental restorations, abscess draining and dental filling.

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Treatment and Follow-Up Care

The dentist will then administer treatment per standard procedure to address the complication. After treatment, the dentist might prescribe antibiotics and painkillers to help with pain and discomfort. They’ll also provide instructions on how to maintain your dental health and prevent future emergencies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The first step in preparing for a dental emergency is to find a dedicated emergency dentist. Find one with 24-hour availability and solid credentials to prove their proficiency. The emergency dentists at Dental Haven have several years of experience handling different dental emergencies and are guaranteed to suit your needs.

Next, you’ll want to create a dental emergency fund, especially if you don’t have dental insurance.  This will help manage emergency dental care, which is typically more expensive than regular care. Set aside a small amount each month for dental emergencies.

With the dental emergency fund in place, your next move is to create an emergency dental kit. First aid treatment is crucial to stabilize the situation before getting to the dentist. Your first aid kit should contain latex gloves, gauze pads, cotton, pain medication, hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste, tweezers, and an ice pack. 

It’s worth noting that the dental first aid kit differs from the ones you find in your car. The former is specifically suited for dental needs. Keep your dental first aid kit separate from the usual one.

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